Friday, December 14, 2007

Making A Difference!

Laura has been helping out greatly. She has been donating hats and coats to underprivlidged children who don't get anything for the holidays. She has been cleaning her fish bowl because it contained yucky water and by just doing little things like this make the world a better place. She helps her parents around the home like cooking, including things like chopping mushrooms with her aunt. Some of you might be going to warm tropical places over the winter break however guess what Laura's doing, she's helping her friend Andrew make a difference by volunteering to mail a lot of stuff for the Greater New York State Tourette's Syndrome Association. They are having a fundraiser and they need lables put on about 500 letters.

This makes me think that i can definitley help out around the house more by possibly helping cook dinner, feeding my dogs, washing the dishes. However i can also do more with the community like volunteer work, community service and donating things. This christmas I am going to the lost letter box where kids send letters to santa clause saying what they want and I am going to get the things they want/need and send it to them for the holidays!